Session 6: Biosphere Reserves: Supporting local Economies While Protecting Biodiversity and the Climate Opening remar...
Session 6: Biosphere Reserves: Supporting local Economies While Protecting Biodiversity and the Climate

Opening remarks: Oliver Hoppe, Counsellor Development Cooperation German embassy

Panel Discussion:
"UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere at 50: A Sustainable Connection Between People and Nature" - Hans Dencker Thulstrup, Senior Programme Specialist Water and Environmental Sciences, UNESCO Office in Jakarta

"Biosphere Reserves in Indonesia, Current Status and Legal Set-up", Prof. Purwanto, National Research and lnnovation Agency (BRIN)

‘Promoting Green Economy in the Biosphere Reserve Betung Kerihun Danau Sentarum Kapuas Hulu", Per Rasmussen, Principal advisor SASCI+

‘Perspective of local government on multi-stakeholder processes in Biosphere reserve: the Case of Lore Lindo’, Dr. Suandi S.Ti, M.Si , Head of the Provincial Planning Agency/BAPPEDA Central Sulawesi

‘How the International UNESCO MAB Biosphere Network is Benefiting the Youths’, Sukma Impian Riverningtyas - MAB Youth

Moderator: Ms. Adhe Lignita Wulandari, UNESCO Office in Jakarta
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    EU CDW Session 6 "Biosphere Reserves: Supporting local Economies While Protecting Biodiversity and the Climate "

    Session 6: Biosphere Reserves: Supporting local Economies While Protecting Biodiversity and the Climate

    Opening remarks: Oliver Hoppe, Counsellor Development Cooperation German embassy

    Panel Discussion:
    "UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere at 50: A Sustainable Connection Between People and Natu...
    Session 6: Biosphere Reserves: Supporting local Economies While Protecting Biodiversity and the Climate

    Opening remarks: Oliver Hoppe, Counsellor Development Cooperation German embassy

    Panel Discussion:
    "UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere at 50: A Sustainable Connection Between People and Nature" - Hans Dencker Thulstrup, Senior Programme Specialist Water and Environmental Sciences, UNESCO Office in Jakarta

    "Biosphere Reserves in Indonesia, Current Status and Legal Set-up", Prof. Purwanto, National Research and lnnovation Agency (BRIN)

    ‘Promoting Green Economy in the Biosphere Reserve Betung Kerihun Danau Sentarum Kapuas Hulu", Per Rasmussen, Principal advisor SASCI+

    ‘Perspective of local government on multi-stakeholder processes in Biosphere reserve: the Case of Lore Lindo’, Dr. Suandi S.Ti, M.Si , Head of the Provincial Planning Agency/BAPPEDA Central Sulawesi

    ‘How the International UNESCO MAB Biosphere Network is Benefiting the Youths’, Sukma Impian Riverningtyas - MAB Youth

    Moderator: Ms. Adhe Lignita Wulandari, UNESCO Office in Jakarta
    13th Oct, 2021 10:00
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