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Join AWS Member Webinar Spotlight on Indonesia: Brantas River Basin, East Java on Tuesday 11 August at 3PM – 4PM (GMT+7)...
Join AWS Member Webinar Spotlight on Indonesia: Brantas River Basin, East Java on Tuesday 11 August at 3PM – 4PM (GMT+7). This Spotlight on Indonesia webinar will focus on Brantas River Basin in East Java, a national strategic river basin playing a vital role in driving Indonesia’s economy & aims to provide a starting point to get engaged companies, government and other interested actors and existing initiatives together to openly discuss how we can move towards joint actions. We encourage AWS member companies with operations in Indonesia to participate. This webinar is supported by the Australian Water Partnership.

For more information and registration please click on this link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2100780100682123532
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    Spotlight on Indonesia: Brantas River Basin, East Java

    Join AWS Member Webinar Spotlight on Indonesia: Brantas River Basin, East Java on Tuesday 11 August at 3PM – 4PM (GMT+7). This Spotlight on Indonesia webinar will focus on Brantas River Basin in East Java, a national strategic river basin playing a vital role in driving Indonesia’s economy & aims...
    Join AWS Member Webinar Spotlight on Indonesia: Brantas River Basin, East Java on Tuesday 11 August at 3PM – 4PM (GMT+7). This Spotlight on Indonesia webinar will focus on Brantas River Basin in East Java, a national strategic river basin playing a vital role in driving Indonesia’s economy & aims to provide a starting point to get engaged companies, government and other interested actors and existing initiatives together to openly discuss how we can move towards joint actions. We encourage AWS member companies with operations in Indonesia to participate. This webinar is supported by the Australian Water Partnership.

    For more information and registration please click on this link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2100780100682123532
    11th Aug, 2020 15:00 - 16:00
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