Estimation of Runoff Coefficient Using Satellite Imagery in Welang Watershed Pasuruan District Indonesia

Estimation-of-Runoff-Coefficient-Using-Satellite-Imagery-in-Welang-Watershed-Pasuruan-District-Indonesia-_20200513-091140_1 Estimation of Runoff Coefficient Using Satellite Imagery in Welang Watershed Pasuruan District Indonesia

Source: Academia

Identification of vegetation density using remote sensing can be done through the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) approach. This research aims to estimate the runoff coefficient using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) at Welang Watershed, Pasuruan District, East Java, Indonesia. 

The runoff coefficient was derived by the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) value from the Landsat 8. The NDVI value and the area of the Welang Watershed were used to calculate the value of the vegetation density percentage and the runoff coefficient.

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