Tanjung Priok SSIP: Smart & Sustainable Integrated Port

Team 2 Tanjung Priok SSIP Smart & Sustainable Integrated Port

General outline

Tanjung Priok is a sub-district in North Jakarta that has the area of 25,1255 m2. Inside Tanjung Priok, there is the Tanjung Priok Port as the busiest and largest port in Indonesia. Tanjung Priok SSIP stands for Tanjung Priok Smart, Sustainability, and Integrated Port. As the name implies, we will focus on the smart concept for the transportation system, the sustainability of the area around the port, and the integrated port. The solution we offer for accessibility is TOD (transit-oriented development), while for the environment, we offer the concept of the PES (Port Environmental System), as well as for social there is community development.

SSIP1: Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)

TOD stands for Transit-Oriented Development, here we will focus on the connectivity issues. The main problem is an absence to transport the passengers from the station, the bus terminal or the nearest bus stop that Trans Jakarta passes to the passenger port for prospective passengers and offices in the Tanjung Priok area and operational areas for employees. With the existence of TOD, this can reduce congestion by reducing private vehicles and also gas emissions which means energy consumption too.

SSIP2: Port Environmental System (PES)

Hazardous waste is the most happening issue at the port area. Commonly it came from the vessels and heavy equipment. They produce a large amount of oil waste. We believe that an eco-smart port must have responsibilities to treat their major waste.

SSIP3: Community Development

An eco-smart port without being supportive to local communities shall not happen. There is a real gap of facilities and infrastructure between the main port and the residential area. In that case, we are trying to approach community development. It includes sanitation management, flood mitigation, and environmental protection. Our goal is to grow the sense of belonging to the locals.

This article and the ideas are collaborative work from participants during Port Academy 2020 by The Water Agency Indonesia.

Prepared and presented by:

Bagas Kusdiyatno Wardana (Water Resources Engineering, University of Brawijaya)
Gina Fairuz (Civil Engineering, University of Indonesia)
Zalza Puspita Arum (Ocean Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology)
Yosia Aaron Satria Putranto (Urban and Regional Planning, Gadjah Mada University)

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