47,915 villages in Indonesia Still Has Limited Access to Clean Water
Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in 2021, as many as 83,843 villages still have not received clean drinking water services. Out of that number, there are 47,915 villages that do not have access to clean drinking water. While the rest, as claimed by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation (Pamsimas) program, as many as 35,928 villages have been targeted by the program from 2008 to August 2022.
Director of Drinking Water, Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of PUPR Anang Muchlis said that Pamsimas could be implemented through several funding sources, which in total reached Rp. 14.4 trillion. He explained that the amount of the budget consisted of the APBN portion of 57.8 percent and the portion of APBD, APBDes, Community and Private Contributions/CSR as much as 42.2%.
"Meanwhile, the APBN portion consists of IDR 4.04 trillion [48.6%] which is loans and grants and IDR 4.28 trillion [51.4%] is pure rupiah," said Anang at the 2008-2022 Pamsimas Wrap Up Meeting, Monday (05/18/2019). 29/8/2022).
The implementation of Pamsimas is known to have succeeded in building SPAM in 35,000 villages per kelurahan with 4.4 million connections. Meanwhile, the length of the pipe installed from this program is 85,982 km. The total water debit used by the community is 56.39 cubic meters/second.
"Innovations being developed include financing for SPAM development through a micro credit scheme, with a total disbursed credit of IDR 17.6 billion and the development of appropriate technology," he explained.
Secretary General of the Ministry of PUPR Mohammad Zainal Fatah appreciates the achievements of the Pamsimas program, although on the other hand he realizes that hard work is still needed to achieve the target.
"However, there are still things that need to be improved, namely the management of drinking water services by the community. We also still leave challenges for villages that have not yet received drinking water services," he said.