Adding Balikpapan's raw water supply, the Sepaku Semoi Dam begins the auction process

Adding-Balikpapans-raw-water-supply-the-Sepaku-Semoi-Dam-begins-the-auction-process Aerial photo of the Sepaku sub-district (Antara Foto / Akbar Nugroho Gumay)

Source: KONTAN 
Date: 30 June 2020

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) continues to increase the number of dams in Indonesia to support water and food security. One of the dams that will begin construction is the Sepaku Semoi Dam in Tengin Baru Village, Sepaku District, Penajam Paser Utara Regency, East Kalimantan Province.

"The dam with a volume capacity of around 11 million cubic meters has been planned long enough, mainly to meet the raw water needs of Balikpapan City with a capacity of 2,500 liters/second," PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said in a press release on Tuesday (6/30).

Basuki said the construction of the dam was not related to the planned transfer of the national capital (IKN). According to him, so far there has been no discussion meeting on IKN in the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak and there has been no decision from the president and his legal umbrella.

For the dam auction process, Basuki said that he used the design and build method so that it was faster. According to him, a land area of around 378 hectares is needed for the construction of the dam and an appraisal is currently being assessed.

The total planned land area is 342 hectares for inundation areas and 36 hectares for physical dams. The location of the land to be acquired is in three villages namely Tengin Baru Village, Sukomulyo Village, and Argomulyo Village. All three villages are located in Sepaku District.

Basuki said the determination of the location of the land was based on the Decree of the Governor of East Kalimantan Number 590 / K.653 / 2019 concerning the Determination of the Procurement / Land Acquisition Location for the Construction of the North Penajam Paser District Sepaku Dam.

"Sepaku Semoi Dam is implemented by the East Kalimantan River Basin Agency, Directorate General of Water Resources, with an estimated total project value of around Rp 700 billion for physical construction, freeing of inundation areas and green belt on land with the area of 378 hectares," said Basuki.

For information, in East Kalimantan Province there are already six infrastructures that have been the source of raw water. The six raw water sources are Manggar Dam in Balikpapan (capacity of 14.2 million cubic meters), Teritip Dam in Balikpapan (2.43 million cubic meters), Embung Aji Raden in Balikpapan (0.49 million cubic meters), Samboja Dam in Kutai Kartanegara (5.09 million cubic meters), Intake Kalhol in Mahakam River (0.02 million cubic meters), and Lempake Dam in Samarinda (0.67 million cubic meters).

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