DKI Jakarta Apply PSBB, What Are Restricted?
Date: 7 April 2020
DKI Jakarta will be the first province to implement a large-scale social restriction policy (PSBB) in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is because the Minister of Health (Menkes) Terawan Agus Putranto has approved the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's proposal to implement the policy in force in the National Capital.
Terawan signed the PSBB approval letter on Monday (6/4/2020) the night after coordinating with the Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling at the national level.
The next step, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan is asked to apply the status of the PSBB according to the ability of the region.
So, what will happen if PSBB is implemented in Jakarta?
Referring to Regulation of the Minister of Health (PMK) No. 9 of 2020 concerning the Guidelines for PSBB, there are a number of things that must be applied by the local government in implementing PSBB.
Article 12 states that in the event that a PSBB has been determined by the minister, the regional government must implement and pay attention to the provisions of the legislation, including consistently encouraging and promoting a clean and healthy lifestyle to the community.
Then, Article 13 explains in detail that the PSBB covers the temporary closing of schools and workplaces, restrictions on religious activities to restrictions on activities in public places or facilities.
In addition, social and cultural activities will also be limited, restrictions on modes of transportation to restrictions on other activities specifically related to defense and security aspects.
The limitation of religious activities referred to in Article 13 is that religious activities are carried out at home and are attended by limited family members, by keeping a safe distance between people.
Restrictions on activities at public places or facilities are also implemented in the form of limiting the number of people and setting the distance of people.
The limitation of social and cultural activities in question is carried out in the form of a prohibition of crowds in social and cultural activities and is guided by the views of official customary institutions recognized by the government and legislation.
These restrictions apply during the longest incubation period and can be extended if there is still evidence of spread.
As Article 14 reads, in implementing PSBB the regional government must coordinate with relevant agencies, including law enforcement officials, security authorities, managers/persons in charge of health facilities, and local logistics agencies.
This is to ensure that PSBB runs effectively and smoothly.
In Article 13 Paragraph (3) it is mentioned that the temporary closing of schools and workplaces is excluded for offices or strategic agencies that provide services related to defense and security, public order, food needs, fuel and gas, health services, economy, finance, communication, industry, exports and imports, distribution, logistics, and other basic needs.
Then Article 13 Paragraph (7) states that the limitations of public places or facilities are excluded for:
a. supermarkets, minimarkets, markets, shops or places for sale of medicines and medical equipment, foods, basic needs, essential goods, fuel, gas, and energy;
b. health service facilities or other facilities in the context of fulfilling health services; and
c. public places or facilities to fulfill the basic needs of the public including sports activities.
Article 13 Paragraph (10) regulates that restrictions on modes of transportation are exempt for:
a. public or private passenger transportation modes by taking into account the number of passengers and maintaining a distance between passengers; and
b. mode of transportation of goods by taking into account the fulfillment of the basic needs of the public.
In PMK No. 9 of 2020, it was also mentioned that areas that are the exception must keep in mind the limitation of the crowd and be in line with the protocols and legislation.
The same thing is affirmed in Government Regulation No. 21 of 2020 concerning PSBB.
Article 4 Paragraph (2) states that restrictions must still consider the educational needs, work productivity, and religious activities of the public.
Then Paragraph (3) says that the restriction is carried out while still paying attention to meeting the basic needs of the public.