Improving Biological Wastewater Treatment Technology with Research from the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin)
Date: March 1, 2022
The Ministry of Industry, an invention from the BPPI work unit in Semarang, namely the Center for Industrial Pollution Prevention Technology (BBTPPI), in 2020 has created a biology-based liquid waste treatment technology named PLANET-2020 (Pollution Prevention based on Anaerobic-Aerobic-Wetland Integrated Technology). 2020).
At the core of the technology of PLANET-2020 is the use of microorganisms (bacteria) to decompose wastewater. This is because bacteria have the ability to process organic matter contained in waste into a source of food and energy. Waste that has been decomposed by bacteria will experience a decrease in pollutant levels so that it meets environmental quality standards and is safely returned to the environment.
The PLANET-2020 technology innovation includes three waste treatment units designed from anaerobic, aerobic and wetland units which are modified as needed. The anaerobic unit is a modification of the conventional anaerobic system, which uses upflow water combined with a recirculation system.
In addition, the aerobic unit uses an activated sludge system, while the wetland unit uses a recirculating horizontal subsurface constructed wetland system. The integration of the three units can reduce organic pollutants by more than 95 percent, ammonia by 80 percent, and phosphate by 70 percent.
The Head of the Industrial Research and Development Agency (BPPI) of the Ministry of Industry, Doddy Rahadi, said that one of the advantages of PLANET-2020, including the ability to degrade pollutants (pollutants) reaching 90-98 percent, higher than chemical-based Wastewater Treatment Plants (IPAL). which reaches 80-90 percent or compared to conventional biology-based WWTPs (80-90 percent).
Then, PLANET-2020 does not require such a large area, uses electricity that is more efficient, and uses far fewer chemicals.
"Another advantage is that the system does not use a sludge treatment unit, so that the decomposition of pollutants can be shortened from one week to a maximum of four days. PLANET-2020 also only requires lower costs than chemical methods," he said.
Then, the Head of BBTPPI Ali Murtopo Simbolon continued that the PLANET-2020 technology had been applied to treat wastewater in 18 industrial sectors, such as the craft paper industry, the food and beverage industry, the batik industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and the fish processing industry.
Please note, the PLANET-2020 reactor is made according to need, with dimensions that are adjusted to the amount of industrial waste to be processed in one day. To strengthen the capacity of WWTP Operators, BBTPPI also provides technical guidance on how to operate and maintain PLANET-2020.
"Planet-2020 technology will continue to be developed with unit and process modifications. Anaerobic, aerobic, and wetland units that require a rather large area are modified by designing a vertical reactor, so that they are used in limited land area and faster residence time. industry with limited land," he said.
Therefore, PLANET-2020 is expected to assist the recovery (recovery) of substances that are still of economic value contained in the waste. This is because BBTPPI will always be open to continue collaborating with industries that require consultation and design of WWTPs and other industrial pollution prevention technologies.
At the core of the technology of PLANET-2020 is the use of microorganisms (bacteria) to decompose wastewater. This is because bacteria have the ability to process organic matter contained in waste into a source of food and energy. Waste that has been decomposed by bacteria will experience a decrease in pollutant levels so that it meets environmental quality standards and is safely returned to the environment.
The PLANET-2020 technology innovation includes three waste treatment units designed from anaerobic, aerobic and wetland units which are modified as needed. The anaerobic unit is a modification of the conventional anaerobic system, which uses upflow water combined with a recirculation system.
In addition, the aerobic unit uses an activated sludge system, while the wetland unit uses a recirculating horizontal subsurface constructed wetland system. The integration of the three units can reduce organic pollutants by more than 95 percent, ammonia by 80 percent, and phosphate by 70 percent.
The Head of the Industrial Research and Development Agency (BPPI) of the Ministry of Industry, Doddy Rahadi, said that one of the advantages of PLANET-2020, including the ability to degrade pollutants (pollutants) reaching 90-98 percent, higher than chemical-based Wastewater Treatment Plants (IPAL). which reaches 80-90 percent or compared to conventional biology-based WWTPs (80-90 percent).
Then, PLANET-2020 does not require such a large area, uses electricity that is more efficient, and uses far fewer chemicals.
"Another advantage is that the system does not use a sludge treatment unit, so that the decomposition of pollutants can be shortened from one week to a maximum of four days. PLANET-2020 also only requires lower costs than chemical methods," he said.
Then, the Head of BBTPPI Ali Murtopo Simbolon continued that the PLANET-2020 technology had been applied to treat wastewater in 18 industrial sectors, such as the craft paper industry, the food and beverage industry, the batik industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and the fish processing industry.
Please note, the PLANET-2020 reactor is made according to need, with dimensions that are adjusted to the amount of industrial waste to be processed in one day. To strengthen the capacity of WWTP Operators, BBTPPI also provides technical guidance on how to operate and maintain PLANET-2020.
"Planet-2020 technology will continue to be developed with unit and process modifications. Anaerobic, aerobic, and wetland units that require a rather large area are modified by designing a vertical reactor, so that they are used in limited land area and faster residence time. industry with limited land," he said.
Therefore, PLANET-2020 is expected to assist the recovery (recovery) of substances that are still of economic value contained in the waste. This is because BBTPPI will always be open to continue collaborating with industries that require consultation and design of WWTPs and other industrial pollution prevention technologies.
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