Port Academy 2020 Registration is now open!
The registration for Port Academy 2020 is NOW officially OPEN!
Southeast Asia's best capacity building program for young people in the water and maritime sector is now awaiting your submission.
This year, the event will be held on 9-11 March 2020 at Terminal Kalibaru, Jakarta. Also, take a closer look at our partners this year.
What will you get? We can proudly say that this is a unique learning experience for you to work directly with leading international experts in developing your own ideas for Eco-Smart Ports in Indonesia! If you do well in this program, there is a good chance that one of our partners will offer you an internship or even job opportunity.
Please register yourself in this link https://forms.gle/vJWP5nGg3m1us1So6 and don't forget to submit your video. Give us your best shot!