PUPR Expands Jakarta's Clean Water Supply: Two Water Treatment Plants to Begin Construction in January 2022
Date: February 28, 2022
PIKIRAN RAKYAT - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has built two drinking water supply systems (SPAM) in Jakarta. The development is carried out using the PPP system (Government and Business Entity Cooperation).
The two SPAMs, namely the Jatiluhur I Regional SPAM (Jatiluhur SPAM) utilize raw water from the Jatiluhur Dam, in West Java Province through the West Tarum Channel, and the Karian-Serpong Regional SPAM, utilizing raw water from the Karian Dam in Banten Province.
PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said the Jatiluhur I Regional SPAM will provide drinking water supply of 4,750 liters/second, which will be distributed to around 380,000 house connections (SR) or about 1.9 million people in DKI Jakarta and West Java Provinces, namely Bekasi City. , Bekasi Regency, and Karawang Regency.
As for the construction of the Karian-Serpong Regional SPAM, Minister Basuki said it is one of the integrated water resource management projects, namely the construction of the Karian Dam, the Karian-Serpong Baku Waterway (Karian-Serpong Conveyance System), and the Regional SPAM.
"This is a large contribution to serve clean water and ensure better water quality," he said in his statement, Saturday, February 26, 2022.
Hadi said his ministry had carried out several developments in the drinking water sector through PPPs, such as the Umbulan SPAM, West Semarang, and Bandar Lampung.
According to him, the PPP system has a lot of supervision, so it is hoped that its governance will be better.
"This proves that infrastructure development is not continuously financed by the state budget," he said.
The signing of the PPP agreement for the construction of the two SPAMs was carried out in early 2021.
The Jatiluhur I Regional SPAM project was initiated by a consortium of PT. Jaya Construction Manggala Pratama Tbk; PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk; PT. Tirta Gemah Ripah with an investment value of IDR 1.7 trillion over a 30-year cooperation period. The construction will begin in January 2022 and is targeted for completion in June 2024.
Meanwhile, the Karian-Serpong SPAM was initiated by the Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-Water) Consortium; PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk; LG International.
After going through the auction process carried out by the Regional SPAM Implementing Business Entity Procurement Committee.
Then on January 5, 2021, a Letter of Award (LoA) was issued to the Consortium of Proponents as the winner of the auction which was followed up by the Consortium winning the auction by forming an Implementing Business Entity (BUP), namely PT Karian Water Services.
The total investment value of the Karian-Serpong SPAM PPP Project is Rp2.43 trillion with a 33-year cooperation period consisting of 3 years of construction and 30 years of operation. It is targeted that the construction process will begin in May 2022 until October 2024.
The Karian-Serpong Regional SPAM PPP project will be able to provide bulk drinking water of 4,600 liters/second to 3 (three) regions, including DKI Jakarta Province at 3,200 liters/second, Tangerang City at 750 liters/second, and South Tangerang City at 650 liters/second.
The two SPAMs, namely the Jatiluhur I Regional SPAM (Jatiluhur SPAM) utilize raw water from the Jatiluhur Dam, in West Java Province through the West Tarum Channel, and the Karian-Serpong Regional SPAM, utilizing raw water from the Karian Dam in Banten Province.
PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said the Jatiluhur I Regional SPAM will provide drinking water supply of 4,750 liters/second, which will be distributed to around 380,000 house connections (SR) or about 1.9 million people in DKI Jakarta and West Java Provinces, namely Bekasi City. , Bekasi Regency, and Karawang Regency.
As for the construction of the Karian-Serpong Regional SPAM, Minister Basuki said it is one of the integrated water resource management projects, namely the construction of the Karian Dam, the Karian-Serpong Baku Waterway (Karian-Serpong Conveyance System), and the Regional SPAM.
"This is a large contribution to serve clean water and ensure better water quality," he said in his statement, Saturday, February 26, 2022.
Hadi said his ministry had carried out several developments in the drinking water sector through PPPs, such as the Umbulan SPAM, West Semarang, and Bandar Lampung.
According to him, the PPP system has a lot of supervision, so it is hoped that its governance will be better.
"This proves that infrastructure development is not continuously financed by the state budget," he said.
The signing of the PPP agreement for the construction of the two SPAMs was carried out in early 2021.
The Jatiluhur I Regional SPAM project was initiated by a consortium of PT. Jaya Construction Manggala Pratama Tbk; PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk; PT. Tirta Gemah Ripah with an investment value of IDR 1.7 trillion over a 30-year cooperation period. The construction will begin in January 2022 and is targeted for completion in June 2024.
Meanwhile, the Karian-Serpong SPAM was initiated by the Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-Water) Consortium; PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk; LG International.
After going through the auction process carried out by the Regional SPAM Implementing Business Entity Procurement Committee.
Then on January 5, 2021, a Letter of Award (LoA) was issued to the Consortium of Proponents as the winner of the auction which was followed up by the Consortium winning the auction by forming an Implementing Business Entity (BUP), namely PT Karian Water Services.
The total investment value of the Karian-Serpong SPAM PPP Project is Rp2.43 trillion with a 33-year cooperation period consisting of 3 years of construction and 30 years of operation. It is targeted that the construction process will begin in May 2022 until October 2024.
The Karian-Serpong Regional SPAM PPP project will be able to provide bulk drinking water of 4,600 liters/second to 3 (three) regions, including DKI Jakarta Province at 3,200 liters/second, Tangerang City at 750 liters/second, and South Tangerang City at 650 liters/second.
With the construction of the Karian-Serpong Regional SPAM, it is expected to generate around 368,000 house connections (SR) to provide drinking water services to around 1.8 million people.
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