Researchers of ITB Stated Three Indications of Pollution Sources in Bima Bay, Including Oil Elements

teluk-bima-saat-penumpukan-buih-gel-air-akibat-pla Bima Bay during the buildup of water gel foam due to plankton some time ago. Photo by:
Bima, Bimakini.- The phenomenon of marine pollution in Bima bay on April 24-30 2022, covering an area of more than 10 hectares, has attracted the attention of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). Thursday, April 28, 2022, a team from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering conducted field research by taking samples at 5 points.

Sampling was also carried out in coordination with the Center for Environmental Studies ITB (PSLH ITB) and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK). In the field, the team was also assisted by the Bima City Environmental Service (DLH) and representatives from the Bima City Government.

Prof. Dr. Ing. Ir. Prayatni Soewondo, M.S. Experts from Water and Liquid Waste Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering ITB and Drs. Dasrul, M.M., M.E., M.H, Director of Pollution and Damage Control of Coastal and Marine. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry delivered the results of the research conducted on Tuesday (14/6/2022).

They explained that the characteristics of the waste were smelly, in the form of thick foam and foam, up to 10 cm thick, brownish in color and non-flammable.

The results of satellite photos taken by the ITB Team show that the phenomenon occurs in a short period of time and is not visible for a week from the peak of the incident. The foam phenomenon occurs when the components of seawater disturbed by wind and waves will cause foam. The foam can be brown in color and is often caused by phytoplankton. To ensure the foam content, it is necessary to carry out further testing of the foam (dirt/dirt) which cannot be done.

Meanwhile, seawater testing at 5 points (3 shorelines and 2 rivers) showed relatively consistent results. Laboratory testing contained several components that exceeded the standard and Diatom group algae were found. It was also found that the content of toxicity was greater in seawater compared to river water.

There are three sources of hazard indications, namely domestic (N, P, organic, and coliform), agriculture and fisheries (N and P), and oil logistics (TPH, toluene, and oil and grease). In addition to these sources of pollution, this phenomenon can be influenced by the geography of Bima Bay and global warming. Global-scale research on algae blooming in various countries also shows that 76% of algae blooming/seasnot events occur in semi-enclosed sea areas (half-covered seas), so that Bima Bay may potentially experience this phenomenon.

From the currently available data, our observation is that the Bima Bay phenomenon is caused by multi-sectoral activities. This has happened in various other parts of the world in the world, be it Washington, the Netherlands or Turkey, with localities that distinguish sources of pollution so that they have different effects.

They said it was possible that further studies were needed. Because it is not certain when it will appear, including Thursday, May 26, 2022, along the coast of the Soromandi District, Bima Regency, it is still raining heavily. 

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