100% to 100%: stories about water - sanitation - hygiene project

It is part of us, 2/3 of us is water. - (pic) by Jong Marshes / Unsplash.com It is part of us, 2/3 of us is water. - (pic) by Jong Marshes / Unsplash.com

There are good books that you can read about water sector, on how to manage water as conservation work, water pollution treatment, water and health, etc, as well as documentation about water related project management report. Long way before we have MDGs (Millenium Development Goals), then MDGs (2000-2015), the post MDG so called SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), Indonesia has been putting effort to establish the water for people as it is mandated in the UUD 45 (1945 Constitution) Chapter XIV Act #33, stating that all natural resources and water are controlled by government, and its use must be for all the people. Water is literally mentioned.

There also tons of project report about water sector and project, mostly as a formal part of the project, and also formal part of bureaucracy requirement, and most of the time, those documentation and end up in the corner of a shelf. For Indonesia Water Portal, we aim to re-share this information as necessary knowledge, so that the better lesson learnt can be applied anywhere else, anytime.

If you are looking for good documentation about water project lesson learnt, then this book is for you. If you are working at the policy level to enhance community based total sanitation approach, then this book is for you. If you are monitoring and evaluation team, that doing monitoring and evaluation for WASH project, this publication is also for you. But, if you are a community engagement team who is thirsty for another experience in specific sector, we believe this book also relevant for you to read. With rich photos and neat layout, this publication will suitable for most heavy reader, light, and non-book reader as well. Happy reading!.

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