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Over the last 35 years, IFAD and the Government of Indonesia have invested more than US$1 billion in rural people to strengthen inclusive and environmentally sustainable economic growth. Our work concentrates on helping smallholder producers and marginalized groups to become more resilient, integrate into supply chains and gain access to services, technologies and finance. IFAD's projects have been successful in the most remote and vulnerable areas of the country, which also usually have the highest incidence of poverty.

IFAD's current results-based country strategic opportunities programme (2016-2019) aims to support inclusive rural transformation so rural people can achieve sustainable livelihoods. We work to achieve this by providing financing and technical support to develop models for replication and scaling up by the government and others. The emphasis is on empowering marginalized groups including smallholder farmers and fisheries producers, women and woman-headed households, marginal communities and ethnic minorities in selected geographic areas, and youth.
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