PT. Jauhar Hidro Mekatron was founded on June 17th, 2008. This company was formed due to the increasing need for precise...

PT. Jauhar Hidro Mekatron was founded on June 17th, 2008. This company was formed due to the increasing need for precise, accurate, and valid data obtained in an efficient way. Technological discoveries that are getting more advanced every day and the lack of application in society as well as the use of abundant natural resources make our motivation in establishing PT. Jauhar Hidro Mekatron.

This company was built with a very strong foundation on science and motivation in managing natural resources in a sustainable manner. Our goal is to serve as a bridge for science and technology, as well as aleading company to improve people's welfare through environmentally friendly technology in the exploration and management of available natural resources.


Solution for Welang
- Sustainable farming practices, agroforestry
- Ecosystem services
- Community education (on soil and water conservation)
- Early warning system (EWS)
- Data management

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    Jauhar Hidro Mekatron

    PT. Jauhar Hidro Mekatron was founded on June 17th, 2008. This company was formed due to the increasing need for precise, accurate, and valid data obtained in an efficient way. Technological discoveries that are getting more advanced every day and the lack of application in society as well as...

    PT. Jauhar Hidro Mekatron was founded on June 17th, 2008. This company was formed due to the increasing need for precise, accurate, and valid data obtained in an efficient way. Technological discoveries that are getting more advanced every day and the lack of application in society as well as the use of abundant natural resources make our motivation in establishing PT. Jauhar Hidro Mekatron.

    This company was built with a very strong foundation on science and motivation in managing natural resources in a sustainable manner. Our goal is to serve as a bridge for science and technology, as well as aleading company to improve people's welfare through environmentally friendly technology in the exploration and management of available natural resources.


    Solution for Welang
    - Sustainable farming practices, agroforestry
    - Ecosystem services
    - Community education (on soil and water conservation)
    - Early warning system (EWS)
    - Data management

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