Sanitation saves lives, but billions of people live without access to even the most basic sanitation services. Globally,...

Sanitation saves lives, but billions of people live without access to even the most basic sanitation services. Globally, 61% of the population (4.5 billion people) lack “safely managed sanitation” – meaning access to a toilet or latrine that leads to treatment or safe disposal of human waste.

Since 2015, we have been working –with a large group of public-private partners– on a dream to get Indonesian village people on lifelong lifesaving water and sanitation, and we developed the world’s most cost-efficient sanitation system in the process, the Safe Water Garden.

Then we realised that with just a little bit of extra effort (from the local people themselves) we could establish a whole WASH revolution, which in turn leads to micro-farming and community tourism.

At the urging of the Gastes foundation, we put together a national scale-up plan (see the timeline here) which not only brings WASH, but a complete uplifting of rural communities, powered by local people themselves (our systems are so simple, with a little training, families can build them themselves in under a day).


Solution for Welang:
- Sustainable farming practices, agroforestry
- Community education (on water conservation)

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