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Implementation of policies on the implementation of integrated drinking water and sanitation technology, in accordance with the Strategic Plan (Renstra) 2014-2019 is the implementation of drinking water and sanitation technology in upstream zone of Ciliwung Subdistrict of Kemiri Muka Sub-district Beji Sub-district of Depok. Conditions in the field to meet drinking water requirements in activities of daily activities of the community using well water (25%), river water (65%), water taps (10%). The social condition is known that the number of RW14 residents utilizing drinking water from the drinking water treatment technology process of Puslitbang Settlement of Ministry of PUPR consists of four RTs, namely RT 3, RT 4, RT 6, and RT 7.

Of the total population of 176 households, the majority of the people work in non-formal sectors as construction workers, traders, garbage collectors, farming, services. The percentage is 87%. The remaining 13% work in the formal sector. Education level of 49% graduated from elementary school, 23% junior high school, 18% senior high school, and 6% graduate from university (Diploma / Bachelor).

Public understanding of the use of recycled water for daily household activities is still minimal. The community believes in the quality of recycled water through processing results and uses it for purposes other than drinking and cooking, 36% for watering plants, 54% toilet rinsing, 3% washing clothes, 2% bathing, other 5% for washing vehicles. In motivating the community to change existing condition in their environment, whether related to the customs of society and the existence of technology that need to be adjusted is done by society approach through four stages, namely identification stage and location search of model application, pre-implementation stage of development, development stage, and maintenance and utilization stage .

The impact of the implementation of settlement area is expected to provide more benefits for the community in the research location and reduce disease rate caused by the use of clean water, waste water management and waste management
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