The Hague Academy is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation established by VNG International in 2006, and with the ...

The Hague Academy is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation established by VNG International in 2006, and with the support from the municipality of The Hague. The Hague Academy for Local Governance specialises in practice-oriented training courses and study visits for civil servants, local practitioners, and professionals at donor and development organisations.

Leaders at the local level must demonstrate responsibility, responsiveness and a clear vision for the future of their communities. Moreover, they need skilled people to manage and deliver services in a transparent and effective way. To achieve this, citizens should have the capacity to put forward their needs and ideas to improve their community and hold their governments accountable.

Through training and education programmes, we seek to develop knowledge and skills required to improve local governance and decentralisation in developing and post-conflict societies.


Solution for Welang:
- Reforestation actions
- Ecosystem services
- Nature-based solutions
- Community education (on soil and water conservation)
- Inclusive water governance
- Citizen participation in river basin management

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