UNDP Indonesia is working with a wide range of government institutions, as well as with CSOs and other parties including...
UNDP Indonesia is working with a wide range of government institutions, as well as with CSOs and other parties including media and universities, to build awareness and strengthen the ability of citizens to engage in both political and governmental processes. The Civic Education Centres currently being developed in partnership with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the University of Indonesia are one example of this effort, and UNDP’s new “Strengthening Women’s Participation in Politics and Government in Indonesia” project supports representatives and civil servants at the local, regional and national levels to ensure that women’s rights are taken into account in policy-making through networking and capacity development.

Working with CSOs at the grass-roots level to raise the awareness of women about their political and civic rights, women are also encouraged to run as political candidates. Support has also been provided through the Elections Multi-Donor Programme (with funding support in 2011 from AusAID), which was extended upon the request of the Government of Indonesia to further strengthen the capacities of electoral management bodies for the local elections in Aceh. Support to the preparation of the elections in Aceh has also included equipping civil society groups with skills to monitor election related processes.
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