On Monday (28/11), the victims of the earthquake in Cianjur, West Java had reached 314 people, while a number of evacuees were still reported to be lacking their daily needs. After the earthquake in Cianjur, West Java on Monday (21/11/2022), a number of residents were still seeking refuge in shelter...
293,000 Schools in Indonesia Do Not Have Access to Drinking Water & Sanitation
The Director General of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the Ministry of Health, Maxi Rein Rondonuwu, said that environmental-based diseases are still a health problem, especially in schools/madrasas. Based on data from the Ministry of Health in 2022, there are 293,000 schools that do not hav...
PAM Jaya Targets Fulfillment of 100 Percent Drinking Water Pipeline by 2030
The development of the Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) in DKI Jakarta Province is an effort to achieve the service target of up to 100 percent of the citizens of the capital city by 2030. The DKI Jakarta Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD), PAM Jaya, on Monday held a discussion virtual world with t...
Indonesia Invites 80 World Ministers to Discuss Water and Sanitation
Source: KOMPASDate: May 13, 2022 JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - The meeting of the Ministers of the Sanitation and Drinking Water for All Sector (SMM) Indonesia (SWA) will host the 2022 event which will be held on 18-19 May 2022 in Jakarta. In this agenda, as many as 80 ministers around the world will attend...
Sanitation overview in Indonesia: How close are we to lowering the stunting number to 14%?
At the beginning of the year, we were warned about the reality of sanitation and environmental health in Indonesia. Based on the study of household water quality (Ministry of Health, 2022), it is found that nearly 70% of household drinking water sources are contaminated by E. coli. This finding can ...
Sanitation 101: A study case of Indonesia
A few months ago, it was stated that many sources of drinking water in Indonesia were contaminated with human faeces, marked by the high number of E.coli. How did that happen?Indonesia has experienced an increase in sanitation quality, even though not all residents have decent sanitation facil...
2022 Sector Ministers' Meeting #2022SMM
Source: sanitationandwaterforall.orgDate: April 26, 2022 The SMM is an opportunity for ministers responsible for water, sanitation and hygiene to share and learn from others' experiences as they progress towards national SDG targets. The SMM is also the moment when SWA partners present and repo...
According to SNV, 1 million Lampung residents still do open defecation.
Source: Kupastuntas.coDaye: April 20, 2022 Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - Stichting Nederlandse Vrijwilligers (SNV) said that of the 9 million people in Lampung, around 1 million people do not have access to a toilet or defecate as such."That does not include what we call closed defecation," said ...
The Capital of South Kalimantan Province, Assisted by the Ministry of PUPR, Banjarbaru Improves Sanitation
Source: JejakrekamDate: April 18, 2022 Jejakrekam - Among other things, Banjarbaru City will be more advanced, the economy will grow, new areas will appear and so on. However, this will also have a negative impact if it is not addressed from the start. One of them is related to population sanit...
Call for Abstracts: ‘This is Water, WASH and Climate: Stories from Practice’
Source: Water and WASH FuturesDate: April 9, 2021 We are pleased to open the Call for Abstracts for the Water, WASH and Climate virtual symposium. Abstracts are invited for "Story Hosts" – water and WASH professionals interested in sharing their experiences relating to water management, ...
USAID IUWASH Tangguh, a five-year humanitarian America's charity program for Indonesia
Source: TempoDate: April 8, 2022 TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The United States, through USAID, on Wednesday, April 6, 2022, announced a five-year humanitarian program in Indonesia called USAID IUWASH Tangguh. This program includes efforts to improve access to drinking water, safe sanitation, and hygiene for...
Ministry working to ensure drinking water supply in Sawahlunto
Source: ANTARADate: March 23, 2022 Sawahlunto, West Sumatra (ANTARA) - Twenty-one percent of the work on the National Urban Water Supply Project (NUWSP), which is aimed at ensuring drinking water access for the residents of Sawahlunto City, West Sumatra, has been completed so far. Head of the West S...
Muara Angke Residents Demand Clean Water before Anies Baswedan's Office
Source: TEMPO.CODate: February 23, 2022 TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Dozens of residents of Muara Angke, Penjaringan Subdistrict, North Jakarta, staged a rally in front of the Jakarta City Hall on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 22, demanding Governor Anies Baswedan provide drinking water services.The residents comi...
The government of Kutai Kartanegara Regency has set out IDR 6 billion to improve sanitation.
Source: KORANKALTIMDate: January 31, 2022 TENGGARONG, KORANKALTIM.COM - Rendi Solihin, Deputy Regent of Kutai Kartanegara, said the poverty alleviation program has become one of his and Regent Edi Damansyah's top priorities.The government designated two sub-districts, Muara Kaman and Samboja, as the...
Swiss-USAID IUWASH PLUS helps 1.6 million Indonesians gain access to safe drinking water and sanitation
Source: Liputan 6Date: January 24, 2022 Liputan6.com, Jakarta - The United States and Indonesia have partnered for five years in a USAID Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation, and Environmental Health Hygiene program for All (USAID IUWASH PLUS). As a result, more than 1.6 million people, including nearl...